We believe in giving back

Using the buy one give method with every new client, we will donate a % to a local charity.

We also volunteer to help and meet new people. Volunteering locally, we have received 2 The President’s Volunteer Service Awards.
We have over 2000 hours of volunteering in education, mentoring, and training.

We also offer on-the-job training for Interns and mentor new businesses to help them with their Business Plans and provide additional resources.

Consider Volunteering at these places:


Restoring Digity & Hope by providing Identification

IDignity was created to help the disadvantaged in Central Florida through the complex steps of getting personal identification. Documents like birth certificates, Florida ID cards, and Social Security cards are essential for anyone to fully take part in society.


Learn about central Florida and visit Orange County History Center. Traveling Exhibits and History of Florida Exhibits. Great for the whole family. You can Volunteer to give back to your community.

Become a Partner with Earthwatch


Sign up for National Clean up day on Earth day https://www.nationalcleanupday.org/en/join-us?gclid=CjwKCAjwxZqSBhAHEiwASr9n9F_1hZPkdgybRZmRrCIwG1FWPjR77eT7UxEmwnhQZoipjg0QAzOa7BoCdI4QAvD_BwE

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